This time of year I always get the strong desire to visit NYC! Between watching Serendipity,Sleepless in Seattle,and You've Got Mail its not wonder. I have never been to the BIG apple but I romanticise about it all the time. I dream about going to Central Park for a Carrage Ride in the snow of course,Eating at Tavern On The Green(well that was until I found out their doors are closing),Shopping in China Town,Ice Skating in Central Park,having a piece of pie,eating a hot dog from a street vendor,dancing on the BIG piano at FAO Schwarz, shopping at MACY'S,Tiffany and Co. well you get the picture. I want to visit NYC soooo much. If I were planning a trip this is where I would stay and what I would do! Enjoy the pics! This is my virtual trip and maybe one day the hubbs and I can go and turn this dream into a reality. If you've been to NYC leave me a comment with what your favorite things to do are.

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